The BeStrong Blueprint:
Mind and Body Transformation
Personalized 12 week Program
I help you become the best version of yourself through simple nutrition, fitness and personal discovery.
Lose 12-20 pounds in 12 weeks with personalized weekly coaching and results driven Fitness Behavior Change.
We get deep in the mud together to discover your personal path to success, so that you can finally reach and maintain your goals without the confusion.
You'll lose the weight, but gain so much more...because outward change always starts on the inside. It's a little hippie and a little hood...but the combination will help you break through barriers you didn't even know were holding you back.
5 pillars method towards achieving goals and creating lasting change:
Nutrition. Fitness. Habits. Mindset. Lifestyle
There are 5 core principles within each of these pillars:
Awareness. Honesty. Clarity. Strategy. Commitment to Action.
Program Structure:
To see if you're a fit for this program, simply reach out to say hello, tell me a bit about yourself, and I'll reply back to set up a free chat about your goals.
My mission is to be a catalyst to unleash your inner warrior and drive positive transformation in all areas of your life through health, fitness and personal discovery.
I work with an extremely wide range of clients: from entrepreneurs, therapists, athletes, to runners, to brides, to beginners, to my own dad. However, if you have a goal, a positive attitude, a willingness to work hard, and are open to new concepts and some personal discovery,….we’re gonna work just fine together J
Programs are catered to my client’s individual needs. We start at your beginning, and progress from there.
Be Consistent.
Always give your full effort.
Have a good attitude.
Be willing to be coached.
A little bit more about me.....
I was always an athlete or into some sort of sport growing up...gymnastics was my jam. I also loved swimming, diving and the occasional track meet as long as the high jump was involved.
I still remember the raw power and pride I was surprised with when I beat my entire 7th grade class (even the boys) on the bench press. That was my first experience that being strong does so much more for a person beyond the physical rewards. As a tween, I would do lunges in my room before bed until I felt that familiar burn. I was chosen to always do the harder things like steer the canoe in rough waters (a task that requires strength and coordination!). At age 14, Billy Blanks Tae Bo had me on fire (tell me you remember this!?) first real exercise program. I loved feeling capable, powerful and strong.
Somewhere along the way I lost that. Life got real hard and knocked me down. I made some not so great choices which sent me to my lowest of lows. My confidence tanked and depression set in. There was a period of time I wished I wasn't alive.
Life went on and I kept doing the next right thing. Graduating college, getting married and having 3 babies was amazing and I'm so blessed (really, my kids are amaaaaazing)...but things just got more challenging with a marriage that eventually fell apart and left me feeling more lost than ever.
I had also gained a lot of weight with pregnancy. Over 60 pounds with my first baby! Like you, I tried "everything". All the diets. All the cardio. All the self-help books. It wasn't until I truly turned inward and committed to taking action when I started noticing changes....that that all too familiar feeling I had once known came flooding back. I had rediscovered my inner athlete, the fighter, the woman who had an intense love of being strong. I felt a rising. A renewal. A relentless pursuit of discovery on the road to greatness.
Being strong (inside and out) had a direct effect on my confidence, my relationships, my work, my attitude, my mindset, my spiritual walk and my ability to enjoy the things I wanted to. When those things started to change...I then had the ability to dial in my nutrition and the weight came off.
"Don't knock the valleys," she said. "Everybody wants to be on the mountaintop, but up there the air is so thin, you can hardly breathe—and all you can do is stand still and try not to fall. But in the valley, that's where the river runs, sweetheart. That's where all the power is."
This rising...this almost never happens alone. There's nothing I love more than helping you become the best version of yourself. Sure, some people simply want to look good in a bikini, run faster or compete in a powerlifting competition- and that's totally cool. I can do that too.
But if you want to BeStrong in the way I describe....join me in the arena. Excuses down, middle fingers up...let's go.
Like the process of growing's gonna hurt a little. Change is uncomfortable. If you allow me to teach you how to trust the to accept it and push towards breakthrough...then...THEN the growth happens in the quiet moments of rest and recovery.
Even the women who come to me with simply a pants size or number on the scale in mind...when they really trust and believe in the process...there's almost always a lightbulb moment accompanied by a story where they realize the powerful effects of fitness behavior change.
Maybe it's the first time someone comments that they look strong. Or, maybe it's putting their own case of Costco sized water in their cart. Perhaps it's helping someone 20 years younger put her carry-on into the overhead bin because they could, and she couldn't. Maybe it's walking to the front of the boardroom for their presentation and noticing their new swagger. Not hiding behind the camera. Rocking the bikini. Finding her voice. Feeling like she's just in better shape and showing up for her clients, her family, and herself.
And that, my friends... makes looking good just the icing on the cake.
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Studied at the Institute of Fitness Behavior Change
BBA in Marketing, Grand Valley State University
Science Based Nutrition
"One of the things I find absolutely amazing about Kristin Johnson with working with her is her ability to attack thought. I often tell her she missed her calling in life as psychiatrist should’ve been what she pursued. I think this is why she is such an effective trainer. She skillfully (and sometimes, infuriatingly) is able to point out the flaw in thinking and get you to work thru it. " - Brandon Alexander
“Kristin is really gifted at what she does. My life is better for having worked with her” - Hilary Byma
“I’ve been seeing a therapist for over a year. I have accomplished more working with you in 8 weeks than I have in our entire time together… I’ve talked a lot about changing things but I’ve never done anything actionable until we started working together” - Eren Berry
"334 days ago, I made a choice and a phone call that put me on a health journey that I have not regretted for one minute. Kristin coaches me one day a week on the phone....ONE day she works with me on setting goals, working through my mental and physical roadblocks, making health choices and helping me to see my own life beliefs that I had put in place were definitely not healthy. This was not easy for me at first and I will admit I was resistant to some of the "homework" she had me do....I am the social worker not you and you can't social work the social worker....but when I let that down and allowed her to coach/guide me, change started.
Being healthy is behavior change along with nutrition and exercise. Yes I work out but only 2 days a week for 30 minutes. The other days, I make sure I have some sort of movement, walking, yard work, swimming at the camper, just some physical movement.
I had 3 long term goals when I started with Kristin. I wanted buff arms for Cameron and Jordan's wedding, lose 50 pounds by the wedding, and not to be dragging behind Dan and Deanna when we go on vacation. Well, I have 22 days until the wedding and I got buff arms, I am 4 pounds away from my 50 pounds and I went everywhere Dan and Deanna did and they didn't have to wait for me. No videos this year of me taking a break because I was out of breath...In 22 days, it will be 365 days since I made the best choice....ME! I picked me!
The conversation I have with myself every time I look in the mirror or do something that wasn't easy before... Hello you, I have been waiting to be you for a long time " - Natalie Poisson
"I have the pleasure of knowing KJ on a personal level, and she’s an amazing person who takes the time to listen/learn her clients. Hands down one of the most knowledgeable trainers I’ve been around. She can train anyone no matter their physical abilities...highly recommended!" - Nick Adado
"I mentioned in my post last night my trainer Kristin Johnson. Here she is, folks. Strong and vulnerable and real. That’s why I love her so and trust her to help guide me thru this area of my life. Who inspires you to life a bigger life than you are right now?" - Anne Calhoun
"So thankful for Kristin Johnson Fitness for whipping me into shape. I am finally getting the upper body strength I have wanted for a long time" - Tarah Fron
"I meant to post this yesterday.... Monday's seem to be that day where everyone shoots for a fresh start.......This girl.... she is a salt of the earth, genuinely amazing woman. She is also an amazing coach that gets results" - Katie Ryan
I have come so so far leveling up my fitness by working with her for less than 6 months. Do I know what to do on my own, sure. Do I do it on my own? Work as hard as I do when I'm with her?? Absolutely not. The accountability is something I need. Her knowledge and ability to create well-rounded accessible programs for her clients (from all walks of life) is incredible.
You don't need to spend a lot of time in the gym. 30 minutes 2 times a week. Kristin is the real deal and this is definitely an investment in your health and well being. Still not sure? Come with me. So grateful for this lady." - Katie Ryan
“Some sort of voodoo magic- that’s the only way I can describe this so far- I’ve never lost weight like this” - Eren Berry
"Thankful for The amazing Kristin Johnson Fitness- I have only been working with her a few weeks and can tell my legs are getting so much stronger already!!" - Heather Moss
"Reflections from the Carpet (you know, where I'm laying after another great workout with Kristin Johnson): We've had 5 sessions and I am already seeing improvements. I've learned what 'effort' really means when it comes to physical fitness. I genuinely had no idea it was supposed to be this hard. I am still not a fitness fanatic but Kristin makes me appreciate it and even look forward to it (*gasp*). Kristin celebrates my meager (if we're comparing - and she doesn't) achievements and coaches specifically to my need areas. I can actually believe now that I might just achieve some of the things I thought would never be within my grasp fitness-wise. Thanks for believing in me and pursuing me to make this happen, Kristin! Now, you'll have to excuse me while I attempt to get my face to return to a less tomato-like shade." - Karen Siddiqi
"Awesome workout class today with Kristin Johnson Fitness. Every day a little stronger, leaner and meaner." - Kristeena Madsen
"Today, I truly realized what an awesome group this is to be a part of, from Kristin training me to all the great friends I have made along this journey! Truly blessed and thankful for those of you who have the same goal as I do and for Kristin who is always striving to help us become healthier! Without her I wouldn’t be where I am today physically and mentally. It takes a lot of her to be there for each of us and to push us when we need it or helpful guidance in our eating choices! So keep working hard toward your goals and never give up no matter how long it takes you. We are strong!" - Dawn Kuhfeldt
"Thank you Kristin Johnson for your guidance and expertise in helping me get healthy! Bought the smallest dress size I have worn since I got married and i feel amazing! Couldn’t have done it without you! Check out the comments for the picture that made me get started!!!" - Kristin Collins
"I have tried a lot of different exercise programs over the years. A LOT. Although I reached some goals I never thought I would achieve (full marathon - WHAAAA?!) I still never felt great. Never felt strong and fit and most of all, other than the running, I never liked it enough to stick with it.
Then I met Kristin Johnson. Strength training has been transformative for me in more ways than just my body and guess what? I actually look forward to going!! I look forward to the challenge of just seeing what I can do and it is FUN! I feel strong and able. The stronger your muscles are, the less chance there is for injury as we all age too!
If you are looking to get strong, get fit, lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle or just challenge yourself to something new...I promise you won't regret it. Give this girl a call." - Carla Messing
"Kristin Johnson has been kicking my butt (in a good way) for a few months now, and I can honestly say that I have never felt stronger. I would highly recommend her strength sessions even if you're on the fence." - Kerri Teipel
“Thanks for pushing me, challenging me and making me stronger! You are awesome!!- Laura Gearhart"
"To the people who ask me why I train the way I do...This is my trainer, Kristin! She's full of great tips and advice.. and sometimes I think she believes in my strength more than I do.”
“Kristin has the ability to push me beyond where I think my limits are and has been a major contributor to my gains both physically and mentally...???????? she rocks!" -Keri Wilson
"If you are looking for help you get healthy - whether it be physically stronger, or eating healthier...check out Kristin Johnson Fitness. I have LOVED the recipes, ideas, support, and conversations. I haven't drank soda in 3 weeks and I've cut out a lot of sugar. I'm eating more fresh veggies than I ever have. Kristin is a local GR strong momma and I'm thankful for her!" - Bethany France
"If getting strong and lean is your goal, this is a great deal. Kristin is smart, kind, and she will cause you to believe that all things are possible." - Ann Smith
"You are my savior and amazing friend Kristin Johnson. Looking back over this year I can proudly say I did this without gimmicks, pills, drinks, special food or other weight loss enhancers. It's been you, me, friends and family. I've never been alone in this journey. The workouts you coach me through still shock and amaze me as to how physically strong I am. Thank you everyone for getting me through these first 365 days. I need you for the next 365. Hope all of you will be there for me again. You are the reason for my success." - Angie Taylor
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