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Coach Clients Brilliantly in Just a Few Minutes a Month

Software Demos
October 18, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Welcome to our PTD Flow video series, where we show you how easy it is to do online personal training with PT Distinction.

This episode will show you how to put all of the flow sequences together to coach your clients brilliantly in just a few minutes a month.

Discover the power of coaching clients your way and find out if your personal trainer software is this quick.

Transcript of Video

This video looks at putting everything together that we've done in the previous flow of videos.

It shows you how easy it is now to add a new client, have them all set up with their onboarding sequence and then give them their assessments, give them all of their programs and their coaching, and you can do it so, so fast now that you've set everything up in PT Distinction with the Flow series.

So I'm going to clients and I'll add a new client. Once I put in their details, I go down to add two groups and I can use the groups that I set up in the flow sequence. So for now, I'll add them to my onboarding group and I know all of their onboarding is going to be taken care of.

I'll also set them up with my tracking group to start on Sunday, so I can do that on day. And I'll choose Sunday and then come down and save.

You can send them their login details if you wish to, but that is already in their onboarding group so there's no need to do that now and go into their dashboard.

You'll see if you click on their schedule that they've got all of their onboarding items all set up and ready to go. And you'll also know that their tracking will be set up from Sunday onwards.

You can have a look in items to see everything that they've already got set up through your group setup that you've done in the flow sequence. Assessments, they haven't yet got one. We'll add one in a moment. Coaching.

They've got your introduction to nutrition file and they've also got the welcome your journey begins that has come from your onboarding group forms and questionnaires. Again, they've got their onboarding forms and questionnaires.

No habits yet. And the tracking will come in on Sunday as you've set it up when you added the clients. So this client can now get on with things and start onboarding and filling out the forms. At this point, you can schedule their first assessment.

And to do that, you just come up to add assessment copy from library because we've already set it up in the library.

Choose your initial assessment and then next save the assessment from here. You can edit the assessment, you can add it to their schedule, or you can just say, I'll do these later for this.

We'll add it to the schedule. So we've got a time that you're doing this with your client and that's now set up. So the moment you've done your assessment and your client's filled out all of their onboarding forms.

You'll then know what habit they should be working on for their nutrition. And you'll also know what you want to put in their training program. To add their training program. Just come up to add and go to program.

So we've done videos previously in the series about how to make programs and how to do that brilliantly and quickly, that for their program, for their habits, you've already got them set up in groups.

So you can come over here, click on groups, and you can go add to group, and you can select the perfect nutrition coaching habit that you want your client to work on first. So let's say you think the most important one is getting some water in.

You can click on that. Everything in there is set up for your clients and it will all be set up and scheduled for them. When you think they've mastered that habit, you can add them to a new habit the next month, whichever one you think is perfect for them.

So that's why we set up the habits inside your groups and you could choose another one for the next month whenever you think they're ready for their next habit. So everything is there now. It's completely set up for you. Your clients got everything they need to begin their journey.

You've added in their assessment. You can go through that with them, you can go through the forms, you've given them perfect programs, and you've got their habits all set up in groups, ready to deliver at the perfect time for your clients.

So it's perfect individualized training set up in just a couple of minutes, and each month you'll go in.

You choose their habit, which is simple, and then you can add them a new program if you feel they need a new program. So all of the coaching and everything is all set up so that in just a few minutes each month, you can coach your clients brilliantly.

Now everything they do comes into your activity dashboard. So if you want to see all of your clients, you click on the dashboard.

If you want to see just this one clients activity, you, you go to the client's dashboard and you click on activity and everything will come in here for you to look at and you can comment on it and you can communicate beautifully with your client on how they're doing.

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