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Demo of the AI Program Builder

Software Demos
August 14, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Here's a short demo of the new AI Program Builder upgrade..... We're sure you'll love it!

This feature allows you to create customized training programs for your clients in under 20 seconds, tapping into the most comprehensive program design knowledge base available.

Transcript of Video

Really excited to show you the new AI Program Builder inside PT Distinction. Open up the program builder inside your client dashboard and just come over and you see the AI Program Generator button.

Click on that and this is where you put in what you want for your clients. So you'll need your knowledge as a trainer to set exactly what your client needs and what they want and what is best for them.

Test out their goal, gender put in their weight, you can choose kilograms or pounds, whatever you wish. Put in your client's age. Now, weekly sessions, obviously how many times a week they will be training.

So let's say this client has four times a week and total workouts. So how many different workouts will best suit that particular client over the week? For this particular client, I'm going to say two workouts rotated over the week and then you put in their experience, you can put in any injuries here.

Type in anything that your client needs to think about regarding their injuries and then specify any other details if there's anything that this client needs or you want to add in with your specific knowledge as a trainer.

I might say use a certain split. So I've just put use an upper lower body split. Obviously your knowledge of the trainer means you can put in better instructions.

The better the instructions, the more detailed and the better the program will come out. Then when you put in everything that you want for your clients, you click on the generate button.

Now this is live, I'm not going to speed it up so you'll see how quick it is at generating the program. And there you go, it is ready. So you can have a look now at the program go through, check out the different workouts, see how it's made.

As you can see it's set out really good programs. It's followed my instructions and it's put in all of the parameters that I want to have. Now if you don't like the program you can go back and you can ask it to do it again.

Just go back to the generator if you like the program but you think it needs a few changes. For this particular client, for example, you might want to unlink the circuit, you might want to swap out a couple of exercises.

You can do absolutely anything you like because you're inside the program builder. So let's say you wanted to swap out this one. Just click on the swap exercise and type in what you want. And there you go.

So very quick and easy to edit. Anything you like. You can go through, make sure it's perfect for your client, and then when you're happy with the program, click on Save program.

Now this makes the programs extremely quick, and obviously your knowledge as a trainer goes into it to put in the instructions and help it to do basically the donkey work.

It doesn't do periodization, so you will use your knowledge of the client's periodization and where they are in their programming to set the right parameters for each program and make sure that your client has all the good stuff. And then you can add in your coaching alongside this. So it's a huge, huge time saver when creating really good quality training programs for your clients. You should never run out of ideas again for training program design.

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