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Fitbit Integration with the new PT Distinction

Software Demos
September 20, 2018
tim saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Fitbit is one of the expert tracking devices that integrates in to PT Distinction to give educated personal trainers all the information needed to guarantee results and provide quality online coaching.

Fitbit makes it easy to track your clients daily activity, heart rate, training intensity, calories burned, total steps and more. This is a great tool for personal trainers that encourage lifestyle changes and calorie tracking as a part of your overall coaching service.

This video shows how your clients link their Fitbit account to PT Distinction.

Once clients accounts are linked you get a daily summery of their activity while wearing their Fitbit device. This summery goes directly in to your clients activity feed inside your trainer portal.

This image shows the details that are included in your clients daily Fitbit summery.

Many trainers like to combine Fitbit tracking with My Fitness Pal tracking to give the complete picture of calories in and calories burned, here's how your clients can integrate My Fitness Pal to PT Distinction.

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