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Food Diary and Meal Tracking in the PT Distinction App

July 29, 2022
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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In this weeks Feature Spotlight we look at the food diary from your clients perspective.

This video shows the simple, smooth, effective food tracking options your clients have in the PT Distinction app.

Transcript of Video

In this week's feature spotlight, I want to take a look at the food diary and the options your clients have inside the food diary.

It's up to you to suggest what you want them to use and how you want them to track their food.

If you schedule the food diary for your clients, it'll be right there on their dashboard, so they can click on that and go into the food diary if they wish to.

I'll just close that for now to show you that if you haven't scheduled it, all clients need to do is go into their logbook and select food diary.

This then opens up the food diary and they can click on the plus icon to add any items to their food diary.

There's a few options here. In the food diary, it will automatically be dated for your client. They put in the title of the meal they're having.

For example, they might put in lunch, and then they can describe what they ate. Clients don't have to do this, but they can if you want them to.

This would work a little bit like a written food diary, but it has something that works quite cool with it when you use this and I'll quickly show you. So clients can type out what they ate. What it'll also do is from the main food database.

It will give suggestions based on what they've written so they can carry on writing if they want just a written food diary, and you'll see that more suggestions come up so they can save it like that with just their written food diary.

Or they could click on these and have the tracking for these items put into their food diary. So this will give them all of the calories, all of the macros, etcetera, and they can come down and they can change the portions if they wish to.

The other option is to use the search. They can search for any food item that they would like and add it in that way, once again, they can change the portions if they wish to. The other thing that clients can do inside the food diary is to add a photo.

So they press add a photo and they can take that either from their device or they can take a photo of their meal directly there and then.

So that either verifies what they've put in, or it can be the quickest way to track any food just by clicking on add a photo and take a quick photo of that.

When clients have tracked everything that they want to track for their meal, they just click on save, and it all goes in.

You'll see that they've got their daily macros total, and that's all added up for them. And all of that information will go to you inside your trainer admin. So that will go into your client's activity.

You'll be able to filter for food diary and see that straight away from any of your clients or go into your client's particular activity and just see it for that particular client.

There's going to be a few updates coming pretty soon to this food diary in which clients will be able to use a barcode scanner to enter any items that they wish to, and also they'll be able to change the actual portion sizes rather than just the number of portions, and they'll be able to do that using a range of measurements such as grams and ounces.

The food database, should your clients wish to use it, has nearly 1 million items. It includes drinks.

It includes restaurant items, supermarket items, and many, many more. It is the largest verified food database in the world and is the same one that things like MyFitnessPal will use without the unverified items. Thank you for watching.

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