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Comprehensive Guide to Upselling Your Fitness Services

August 29, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Standing out in the competitive fitness industry requires more than attracting new clients. By embracing upselling, you can enhance your existing services and offer even greater value to your current clients.

This strategy not only boosts revenue but also strengthens client relationships by meeting their evolving fitness needs.

It's a powerful tool that can empower you to take your business to the next level.

It's a good customer retention strategy with a 60-70% probability of success compared to the 5-20% with customer acquisition. This high success rate should reassure you of the potential of upselling in your fitness business.

But how do you do this? Below, we delve into the best insights on upselling your fitness services. Read on!

What Is Upselling?

Upselling your fitness services involves asking your customers to upgrade to an improved package for better results.

It's about offering your existing clients more than they initially signed up for to help them hit their goals faster or more efficiently - and to boost your business simultaneously. 

An example is when a client starts with introductory training sessions. You can suggest they upgrade to a program that includes a personalized fitness plan or nutrition coaching for better results.

This would enhance their experience so they feel the value of what they're buying.

The term upselling is often confused with cross-selling, but they differ in key ways. Upselling involves recommending service upgrades to enhance the client's experience, while cross-selling suggests related services that complement their current package.

Upselling focuses on adding value to what the client already receives, leading to more meaningful progress.

This improved experience encourages clients to continue investing in your services, resulting in better outcomes for them and increased earnings for you.

Benefits of Upselling for Your Fitness Business

Upselling can enhance your fitness business by boosting revenue and improving client relationships. Here are some key benefits:

#1. Increased Revenue Per Client

An upsell strategy encourages your client to purchase higher-priced service options or additional products. When they do, your revenue per client goes up. 

For example, if a regular gym member decides to add a personal training package or join a weight loss challenge, they're investing more in their health, and you're increasing your earnings. 

This boosts your immediate earnings and raises the overall customer lifetime value (CLV).

Customer lifetime value is a crucial metric in the fitness industry, as it represents the total revenue a client is expected to generate over their relationship with your personal training business.

By upselling, you're not only increasing your immediate earnings but also the potential long-term value of each client.

#2. Enhanced Client Experience

When upselling is done right, it feels like a natural progression for your clients.

If a client is already seeing results and feeling great, offering them a VIP experience—such as additional support, more accountability, or even grocery shopping and cupboard reviews—will align with their goals and show that you're deeply invested in their success.

#3. Stronger Client Relationships

Upselling can deepen the bond between you and your clients by providing more tailored support. For example, offering a monthly 1-2-1 progress review session allows you to regularly assess their achievements, adjust their goals, and provide personalized advice.

This consistent, one-on-one interaction helps clients stay on track and shows that you're genuinely invested in their long-term success, fostering a stronger, more trusting relationship

7 Best Ways to Upselling Your Fitness Services 

Now that you understand how upselling can benefit your personal training business let's take your client relationships and revenue to the next level.

This 7-step guide will walk you through practical strategies for upselling your fitness services, ensuring you and your clients benefit from the enhanced offerings. Let's dive in and start maximizing your potential!

Step 1. Understand Client's Needs

Start by actively listening during consultations to uncover your clients' deeper goals and challenges. You could use intake forms, surveys, or regular feedback sessions to gather insights about their goals and challenges.

For example, if a client mentions struggling with diet and you're also a nutrition specialist, you might upsell them to a coaching package that includes comprehensive nutrition coaching and meal planning to complement their fitness regimen. 

Such an approach ensures the upsell feels relevant, and the client is more likely to be interested.​

Step 2. Highlight the Value

When recommending a higher-tier package, your client may ask why it's worth the additional cost.

It's essential to clearly articulate how the upsell adds value to their fitness journey. For example, if a client's goal is to increase strength, explain how adding a bi-weekly strength training class can accelerate their progress and enhance their results.

Emphasize the direct benefits they'll receive, such as faster progress and more personalized attention, to justify the additional investment.

Step 3. Bundle Services

Who doesn't want to save some bucks? 

Create combinations of services that offer a holistic approach to fitness. A bundle might include gym access, personal training sessions, and a meal-planning consultation. 

This comprehensive solution positions the bundle as a cost-effective option compared to purchasing services separately.

Step 4. Leverage Success Stories

"Does it work?" is a common question any personal trainer gets. Since upselling can be interpreted as asking your clients to put in more work—whether exercise intensity, eating better, sleeping better, or something else —use real-life examples to show potential benefits. 

You'll convince them faster if you share stories of other clients who have seen great results from upgrading their services. It's a suitable method of social proof that boosts credibility, too!

Step 5. Offer a Free Trial or Sample

Giving clients a taste of premium services can pique their interest.

When launching a higher-tiered package in your online training portfolio, offer existing clients free 7-day access to look around and experience what more they'd receive.

Clients might feel more enticed to buy into the higher program once they've experienced the benefits and enjoyed the perks​.

Step 6. Position the Upsell as a Solution

Frame your upsell as the solution to a client's problem. Say a client expresses frustration over slow progress.

You can suggest a premium service that includes metabolic testing to tailor their workout and nutrition plan more effectively.

Doing so, you'll position the upsell as a necessary tool for overcoming their hurdles​.

Step 7. Be Subtle and Authentic

Fitness marketing is delicate. While you want to improve your sales with this strategy, you don't want to come off as too pushy.

The client may already be frustrated with slow progress, so don't add to the stress. 

So, instead of a hard sell, introduce the upsell options as suggestions that might interest them based on previous discussions.

Ensure the client feels your primary interest is helping them accomplish their fitness goals, not just in making a sale.


If you are attracting more clients by the day, you know the next hurdle is keeping them satisfied.

So, are your training plans effective? Are clients hitting their targets? 

If you notice a client needs more, consider upselling them to a service that will help them see the results they desire.

Use the strategies above to understand who is struggling or frustrated, and naturally suggest an upsell that will bring results faster. 

To keep track of which client is on which package, ensure you're using the best personal trainer software.

Need ideas? Sign up for the PT Distinction free trial today, and you'll fetch more insights to show when a client needs an upsell before they know it!

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