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How to Create a Personal Trainer Business Plan

October 24, 2022
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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You know what they say; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Sadly, 20% of businesses fail in their first year, with 45% in the first five years. One of the main reasons for this is that they do not put together a business plan to direct their efforts.

A personal trainer business plan is a necessity for success.

A realistic and solid personal trainer business plan is fundamental for success. In your plan, you will outline achievable goals for your company, how you can meet these objectives, and potential solutions and problems you may face.

The plan will help you determine if there is a need for your personal training business through surveys and research. It will figure out the inputs and costs required for the company and outline the timelines and strategies that should be enforced and met.

Once you have put together a business plan, you need to follow it! If you start changing your strategies or overspending, you ask for failure. The only reason you should change your business plan is if you have found it inaccurate and harming your business rather than helping it.

What is a personal training business plan?

A business plan is a document that defines your business goals and how you plan to achieve them. It lays out a written roadmap for your company, assessing operational, financial, and marketing standpoints.

A personal training business plan is critical not only for your internal audience but your external audience as well. For instance, a solid business plan can ensure that everyone working on your team is on the same page. At the same time, it can help you to secure financing and attract more investors.

Why do you need a business plan for your personal training company?

Business plans for personal trainers have a whole host of benefits. They help you to do the following:

• Clarify your personal training business idea

• Get funding

• Discover any possible problems

• Establish your objectives

• Manage your resources and time

• Uncover new ideas for growth

• Measure the progress you make

You will also need a business plan if you want to secure a loan or investment from a bank.

9 steps to follow when creating a personal trainer business plan.

Now that you know why creating a business plan as a personal trainer is critical, we will take you through the essential steps you need to follow.

Step 1. Write your mission statement.

Firstly, compose a few sentences explaining what your personal business does and why you do it. The latter part is critical—the "why" sets your business apart. You can understand this by looking at your training philosophy and core values.

Core values - Core values are your personal beliefs. Who are you as a personal trainer? What do you stand for?

Your training philosophy - This is what you believe in terms of exercise. What do you think about training that is not negotiable?

Step 2. Conduct research on the fitness industry and your competition.

Next, you need to carry out a market analysis. Collect data that is valuable to your business. Understand what your competition is doing on a local and national scale. Understand the demographics of your target consumer base so you can discover whether there is a gap in the market and how you can set yourself apart.

Step 3. Determine your value proposition.

This is where you consider what sort of service you want to provide. For example, would you like to offer a niche fitness service to a specific target audience? On the other hand, do you want to provide a broader service, with various classes, catering to many needs?

This is the step where you develop your USP, otherwise known as your Unique Selling Point. After all, many people are providing personal training services today, so you must establish what makes you different and what would compel someone to choose your service.

Step 4. Outline your business structure.

As time goes on and your business grows, your responsibilities will also increase. We are sure you already know where you want to be in the future, but you need a business structure to get there.

Your choice of structure will influence the paperwork you need to file, your personal liability, your ability to generate funds, and how much you pay in taxes. All of your exemptions and limitations are determined by your company's structure as well. This is why you need to think carefully about whether it is better to set up a limited company, partnership, sole proprietorship, or corporation deal.

Step 5. Put together a marketing plan.

You may be an exceptional personal trainer, but you need to put your business head on to become a success, and this involves mastering the art of fitness marketing.

The marketing methods you choose will depend on your budget and target audience. Brainstorm different ideas and approaches that you can use to drum up your business and solidify your reputation.

From YouTube workout videos to on-site social media optimization, there are so many paths that you can go down. We would always recommend starting with your business's assets. For instance, if you know you're good at making videos, this would be an evident place to start building your presence. If you'd like to put together a content marketing plan, Contently could be a great point to start.

Step 6. Address product and service offerings.

In an ideal world, we all want to accomplish and complete our objectives, yet realistically speaking, this is not always the case. This is why we advise preparing for a failsafe, i.e., another revenue source. After all, if Covid-19 has taught us anything, it is that you do not know when something is going to change drastically, so you need to be prepared.

Usually, a personal training company will offer several services. So, one of the ways to set yourself apart is by providing products as well. Not only will this be a failsafe option for your company, but it is also an additional profit source.

Step 7. Put together a financial plan.

The best way to ensure you'll make a profit eventually is to create a thorough financial plan.

Before you can start enforcing your business plan, the financial area is something you need to look at carefully. But first, you need to make sure the numbers add up!

Many personal trainers underestimate the costs associated with running a fitness business. You should factor in expected revenue and start-up costs. It would be best if you also looked at operational expenses. Ask yourself how much it is going to cost to run your business. Make sure you do not leave any fees out, from marketing costs to monthly rental expenses.

A break-even analysis should also be performed. If you are investing in your company, profit will take some time. Break-even analysis helps you determine how long it will take before you start making a profit.

Your financial plan would also consider the projected income from your fitness services. Starting with one or two income streams at first makes sense. Then, you can learn how they work or how they don't. Finally, you will be able to discover more about your business and what people want so that you can grow naturally.

As time goes on, you will discover what fits well with your client base and what doesn't, so you can continue to refine your products and services accordingly.

Step 8. Assess risks effectively.

All businesses come with risks, and one of the most critical parts of a business plan is evaluating every risk your business is likely to face. You can categorize risks based on their seriousness, naturally addressing these issues further.

By understanding the risks your business faces, you will be best placed to put provisions in place to ensure that these risks do not manifest themselves and become a real problem for your business.

You can also perform a SWOT analysis to determine your fitness business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Step 9. Establish an implementation plan.

Last but not least, now that you have got all of the data you need and the essential elements of your plan, you must be able to bring them all together to launch or expand your company successfully.

Make sure your implementation timeline is realistic. List chief objectives and target dates that certain activities need to be finalized. Once you have done this, you can rest assured knowing that you have a solid business plan to fall back on.

Secure the future success of your business with a personal trainer business plan.

So, there you have it: the crucial steps you need to follow when developing a personal trainer business plan for your business. Following the steps above, you can create an accurate and thorough business plan to help you achieve great success as a personal trainer.

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