How do you do a quality assessment over Skype? Its a pretty common question among online personal trainers.
It’s quite simple really
The first thing to do is schedule in your Skype call, book a date and time.
Then make an assessment using the drag and drop system in PT Distincion's online personal training software, attach the PARQ and any other forms you wish to include. Send it to your client.
(You may well use the same assessment for all clients so after making it once you will only need to select “copy” for your other clients)
Tell your client to take a look at the assessment before your call and play each video once, this way they know roughly what to expect but haven’t been coached on the movements. Ask them to fill in any forms you want completed before you do the assessment (this can be done online and will update automatically in your records).
Then do the assessment via Skype - have them logged in to their PTD assessment while you are on the call.
During the call get them to look at the video of movement 1 of the assessment and do it themselves in front of the camera. Then go through whole assessment in same fashion. This saves you from having to demo each movement which can get quite clumsy and time consuming as you and they have to constantly move the cameras around.
Split your screen with one window on the Skype video and the second on your PTD assessment record sheet. Record the results as you go through. Once done hit save and this will be stored under your clients profile alongside the forms they have filled in (no need for messy paper filing!).
At end of the assessment (if you haven’t already done so) you can take payment - Ask your client to go to “options” then “pay trainer” and type in the amount they owe you. If you have set up your PayPal integration this will then go straight in to your account.
End the call by telling them when they can expect their programs and ask them to look out for that email.
Once complete you can get on and make your programs!