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How to set up a new Online Training Client Welcome Pack

October 19, 2018
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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When a new client signs up for your online training, it's great to have welcome pack ready to go straight out to them the moment they sign up.

Great things to include in a welcome pack would be your PARQ, your liability waiver, a welcome email, and perhaps a welcome video so when clients log in for the first time, they've got a video of you introducing the service. Some trainers also like to include the first assessment and a couple of days worth of food diary entries.

Here's how you very easily set that up on our personal training software. At the end of the video I also show you what happens when you add a new client and put them in your welcome pack.

Group Set Up

To set up, come up to groups and click on add a group. Name your group, and then add, the software then gives you the opportunity to go into the dashboard, so click Okay.

When inside the group dashboard, come down to the green Add button to start adding your content.

Adding Forms

The first thing I would do is add the forms, so click on Form or questionnaire, Informed consent form, and Save. I would put this in the schedule for straight away, so click on On joining and add to schedule. I would also add a PARQ form so take exactly the same steps, and add it once again on joining.

Adding Food Diary or My Fitness Pal Tracking

You can then add a couple of days worth of food diary or  My Fitness Pal tracking. To do this come down to food diary and then click Add to schedule. I would set this up on days after joining so it doesn't matter what time someone joins, or what day someone joins, they'll get everything on the same schedule.

You can write in the notes if you want them to use My Fitness Pal, which integrates into PT Distinction. If you want clients to take food photographs, which can be done inside the PT Distinction food diary, or just to write down what they eat.

Scheduling Welcome Email and Video Message

To schedule your messages, come up to the Group Message Centre, click on Email, and then, once again, for your welcome email, click On joining, then write out your email.

Inside the PT Distinction University, we've written out a template welcome email for you, so feel free to go into the university and copy and paste that for your welcome email.  When you've written your welcome email, just click on Complete.

To add a welcome video message come down to Message, select Video and schedule on joining. That means the first time your client either downloads your app or logs in via your software, they'll get your video message. When you've done it, just click on Complete.

Copying Your Welcome Pack to a new Clients Account

To add all of this content to a new client's account go to Add a new client, then put in your client's details and add them to your welcome pack group. That two second act of adding clients to your welcome pack group instantly copies all of that content to their account, and it will go immediately to your client. Giving them a very professional service very quickly and easily.

Making it a Pre-Made Package so Clients can Sign Themselves up

You can also link your welcome pack group to a pre-made package if you wish to, so clients can sign up on your website and receive your welcome package straight away. To do that, come up to Home, and then go to Pre-Made Packages and link up your welcome pack to the signup form.

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