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New Program Builder Video Guides

Software Demos
February 28, 2020
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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The reaction to our new program builder has been amazing.

To guide you on all of the amazing tools that save you time with individual program design here are some short videos showing all of the important features in the new builder.

Introduction to the fundamentals of the new program builder. Naming your programs, adding exercises and sets, reps etc.., making circuits, building multiple workouts in a program:

How to make straight sets, supersets, and circuits:

How to swap exercises while keeping all of the acute variables:

How to copy/ paste workouts and sections of workouts such as a warm up or cool down:

How to use program templates, workout templates and even section templates:

How to add custom exercises from inside the program builder:

And finally, how to edit our exercises while building your programs:

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Transcript of video

In this video, I'm going to introduce you to the new Program Builder on PT Distinction.

To get started, just name your program. You can then add notes to the program, or you can attach any documents or videos that you like.

You can use your mouse to click anywhere you want to go on the program builder or you can just scroll through using the tab button, which is what I'll do now just to make things quick and easy.

You can name your workout or leave it as workout one, whatever you would like to do, and then you can name the section of your workout, keep scrolling through and then you come to add an exercise.

You do this directly on the program face, select your exercise and then it takes you in to add any acute variables.

Again. You can scroll through these using the tab button or select them using your mouse, keep scrolling through and then you add another exercise.

You can add the acute variables in exactly the same way or you can come up and you can add the variables for an entire section at the same time.

Doesn't matter how many exercises you have in the section. To do this, come up to the three dots next to the section name, click on all sets, reps, etc. And then just go through and add in anything that you want to add and then save when you're done.

As you see, that will copy over to every exercise in the section.

You can individualize any one if you want to by adding to it or just simply changing the to individualize it for the particular exercise.

It's a really good time saver there to make supersets or circuits. It's very, very easy on the program builder.

Just come over to the circuit icon and drag and drop. If you're using a touch screen, then just turn it to mobile mode and you can press on the icon and select which exercise you want to make the circuit go to.

You can add another section to your workout by clicking on Add a Section and you can add more workouts to your program by clicking on Add a Workout.

As with the previous program builder, there are two views so that you can see all of your workouts for the particular program at any time.

So you can click into the multi workout view and you can see them all side by side as you build them.

When you're happy with your program, just come up and click on save.

There is also an autosave function on the program builder, so as long as you've named your program, it will autosave every two minutes. So you never lose too much work even if things go wrong that in a nutshell is the new PT Distinction Program Builder.

As you can see, it's really, really fast to use, Very, very easy to use, and you get all your programs done really quickly. There are a number of awesome time saving features on this program builder which I'll go through in some other videos.

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