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PTD Flow - Share Nutrition Coaching With All of Your Clients

Software Demos
July 5, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Welcome to the seventh in our PTD Flow video series, where we show you how easy it is to do online personal training with PT Distinction.

In this episode, we will show you how to share nutrition coaching with all of your clients in under 2 minutes using the PT Distinction personal trainer software.

Discover the power of coaching clients your way and find out if your personal trainer software is this quick.

Check out the transcript of the video here:

Sharing a nutrition guide with your clients is really fast and really easy in PT Distinction because this is something you might want to share with all of your clients and new clients as they come on board.

We're going to use your all clients group so you don't have to repeat it lots and lots like you would with any other training software. When inside the group, just click on the add button and come to coaching.

For this I'll go for a PDF and I'll copy from the library and share the PTD getting started nutrition guide. I'll create a folder for it as well, so I've just called it introduction to nutrition.

I'll keep the box ticked to copy to existing members and I can schedule it if I wish to for all of my clients.

Added to this, I'll give all my clients a cookbook which I got saved on my computer so I can add again.

I'll go to my coaching for nutrition coaching again. I'll use PDF for this, but there is obviously the options to use videos, text documents, add extra folders, add meal plans and add spreadsheets for your clients.

This one I'll create new and take from my computer uploads the cookbook. I will add it to my intro to nutrition folder, keep it copied to existing members.

Again, I can add it to the schedule if I wish to. So that is all set up. My clients have now got an intro to nutrition guide and a cookbook that I've added.

The joy of using the all clients group is that that's now copied to all of my current clients and when I add a new client, it will automatically be added to their account.

So there's nothing more I have to do to share these items with all current and all future clients. So it's a massive time saver. And such an easy thing to do to share great coaching content with your clients.

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