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Quality Group Training Made Easy on PT Distinction

Software Demos
August 23, 2024
TIm Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Welcome to our PTD Flow video series, where we show you how easy it is to do online personal training with PT Distinction.

In this episode, we look at how quality group training is made easy on PT Distinction

Check out the transcript of the video here:

Setting up group training couldn't be easier on PT Distinction.

Come up to groups and then click on the green Add button. Name your group.

I've just called this one group training and add that is now your group created. So you can go to the dashboard.

By clicking on ok from inside your group dashboard you can manage everything about the group.

So to add content, just come over to the green add button and you can add any content you want to your group. So programs, assessments, habits, any kind of coaching.

There's nutrition coaching, lifestyle coaching, meal plans, anything you like tracking, which is again any kind of results tracking you want to add. You can add forms and questionnaires so you've got the obvious ones loaded up, PARQ, medical questionnaires, consultation forms and things like that.

You can create any of your own as well. Tools include your food diary, progress photos and adherence charts. Communications is any type of messaging that you want to set up and pre schedule.

So it'd be emails, text messages and app messages as well. And scheduled events is anything extra that you want to schedule in for your clients so you can add and you can schedule absolutely anything in your group for all of your group members.

Once you've added the content and scheduled it, you can check what's in the group for your clients by clicking on the schedule.

There you have a week, month and year view of everything in the schedule and then you can go through it with items.

You can look at the items, programs, assessments, coaching forms and questionnaires, habits and tracking all separately and listed out for you to look at. You can look at the tools and you can see any of your communication that you've set up and scheduled for all of the group members.

Of course, you can add new content anytime to your group and share it with all of your members.

To turn on a group chat, just come down to the chat thread here, search for your group and then turn on the group chat here. And that means everyone in the group can chat in the app to each other as a group messenger.

When any clients record any activity or any results, it will come into your group activity here. So it comes straight into the feed and you'll get summaries in the widgets, absolutely everything. So you can see all of your clients activity and all of their results really easily.

We also have leaderboards inside the group so you can see who's doing the best, who's doing not so well, and the leaderboards will show you everything from programs, results, tracking and habits in an instant. You can obviously screenshot those and share them in your group chats if you wish to.

But you have complete control over who sees the leaderboards, so your clients don't have to see it if it's nothing a competitive thing or not, something you want to share with your clients. And then to add members to your group, just come up to add member.

From there, you can select any client that you want. So you could do all clients or just select particular clients if you want to, to add them to your groups. You can also add members of any of your other groups. So just click on the groups and you'll be add those members.

For example, if you wanted all of your active clients in this group, just click on that box and it's done. When you're happy with who you've got, click on the add and it will copy the content of the group and all the scheduling straight into those clients accounts.

You can also add new clients to your group as you add clients in an instant, or you can even do it automatically by linking your group to a pre made package. So group training, really, really flexible and powerful.

On PT Distinction, you can literally set up absolutely anything in just moments for your clients, and it couldn't be easier to do.

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