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Quickly Add a Form or Questionnaire For Your Clients

Software Demos
August 9, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Welcome to our PTD Flow video series, where we show you how easy it is to do online personal training with PT Distinction.

In this episode, we will show you how to quickly add a form or questionnaire for your clients using the PT Distinction personal trainer software.

Check out the transcript of the video here:

In this really fast video, I'm going to show you how to add a form for your clients.

In PT Distinction, choose where you want the form to be added. So if you want it for lots of your clients, do it in a group.

If you want to make a custom form and then share it later, put it in your library and if you want to do it just for one client, then go to the client dashboard and do it there

For this video I'm going to do one client, but it's exactly the same in groups so you go to the dashboard.

Once inside the client or group dashboard, just come over to the add button, select form questionnaire and then you can choose from the pre made forms and questionnaires.

So we've got informed consent. Lifestyle questionnaire, medical analysis, PARQ in a consultation form or you can add any of your new custom ones.

For this I will just do a medical analysis. You can then add it to the schedule if you wish to, or not add to the schedule if you wish to.

Totaly up to you, do that one later and then it will take you to see inside forms and questionnaires that you've just added that form. So as with everything really fast, really easy to do from inside PT Distinction.

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