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Quickly Check Everything You've Setup for Your Client

Software Demos
August 30, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Welcome to our PTD Flow video series, where we show you how easy it is to do online personal training with PT Distinction.

In this episode, we look at how you can quickly check everything you've setup for your client in PT Distinction

Check out the transcript of the video here:

Seeing everything that you've set up for any of your clients is really easy in PT Distinction, and I'm quickly going to show you how that's done.

First of all, find your client by typing them into the search and go into their dashboard.

Inside the dashboard you've got activity schedule, items, tools and communications, which means you can look through and see everything that is set up for your clients and everything that they've been doing.

So items will show you all of their programs, assessments, coaching, forms and questionnaires, habits and tracking, and you can click on any of those items to see what they are.

You can also schedule and edit and view the items from here. Tools will take you to their tools, so adherence chart, food diary, progress photos and any integrations. And the slider lets you know whether these are live for that client in the app or not live.

So if you want to change that, just move the slider and that won't show to your client inside their app.

Then you've got communications where you can see all of your scheduled communications with the client, as well as any messages that have been sent, any drafts that have been saved for later, and anything in the outbox that hasn't yet sent.

You can go and look at any of those messages and you can send them and edit them as well to see everything inside your client schedule.

Just come up to schedule and you can see that in a week view. You've also got a month view where you can see details of exactly what they've got over the whole month and a year view for an even longer term view inside the schedule. You can also filter for any particular item that you want to.

If you just want to see programs, you can filter for programs and you will only see that, and that is the same for any type of item that you add to for your clients.

As you can see, very, very easy to see what you've got set up for your clients when it's all scheduled and you can change it and edit it all from their dashboard.

Everything for any client is in their client dashboard and it'll be exactly the same for all of your clients to go to another client, just come up to the search and type their name in. It will take you directly to their dashboard.

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