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Scheduling Items in a Group

Software Demos
September 20, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Welcome to our PTD Flow video series, where we show you how easy it is to do online personal training with PT Distinction.

In this episode, we will show you how to quickly schedule items in a group using the PT Distinction personal trainer software.

Check out the transcript of the video here:

Scheduling items in groups in PT Distinction is very fast and very easy to do. On the calendar option, you have exactly the same options as you do when scheduling for an individual.

You select the date, you select the time, you select the repeating, and then you add it for your group members. You also have a days after joining option. Now days after joining means that whenever someone joins your group or whenever you add a client to a group, they will get all of those items drip fed on the sequence that you want.

As you choose from the dropdown, you'll see that day zero is the day a client joins your group, day one is the day after a client joins your group, and so on. So day two is obviously two days after someone joins your group.

This means you can have evergreen groups and you can set up things that go out on a set sequence to your clients whenever you add them to the group. You've also got repeating options and the time. So you can do daily, weekly or custom.

I'll do a daily repeat for this one and then you can select when it ends and when it stops being scheduled.

For this you can choose it on the day with days after joining or after a certain number of entries. Days or week. I'll just do this one week. You can add notes if you want to and then save Once you've saved it.

You can view the scheduled events and you can edit or remove any of those if you wish to. You can also delete by using the boxes, or you can do the whole lot if you wish to. You can also look on the grid so that you can see it in more of a calendar setup.

Obviously with days after joining it lets you know the day number and you've got circled days where you've got this item scheduled.

You've also got the calendar view for any items that you might have scheduled on the actual calendar setup. So as you can see, scheduling in a group is powerful with the options you've got, but very quick and very easy to do.

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