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Set up Weight and Activity Tracking You Can Share with Clients

Software Demos
July 26, 2024
Tim Saye

Personal Trainer Software

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Welcome to our PTD Flow video series, where we show how effortless it is to deliver exceptional training using PT Distinction .

In this episode, we will show you how to set up weight and activity tracking you can share with clients using the PT Distinction personal trainer software.

Check Out The Transcript Below:

Here we're going to set up weight and activity tracking that you can share with your clients instantly.
To do it. So you can share with clients instantly. We're going to set up a group. Set it up in there.
So go to groups and then go to the green add button, name your group and I'm going to call this one tracking and then say, ok, to go into the dashboard, inside the group dashboard, come up to add again and then tracking.
I'm going to create new to show you how it's done. So I was tracking name.
So I'm going to track weekly weight. I want to track their weight and the unit.
I'm going to choose kilograms, but you could of course use pounds or stone or anything that you want to. And then next I will add this to the schedule. As it's weekly.
I will do it weekly in the schedule. For the purpose of this, I'm going to use days after joining method.
Start at day zero and I will repeat weekly. I'm going to set this up for one year inside the group.
So I do 52 entries and save so that is now saved in the schedule and all set up. So weekly tracking for one year, set up in the group.
I will close that down and then come up and I'll set up my activity tracking as well. So same method, additive tracking, create. Neat.
I'll call this one extra activity for the tracking item I've just written down. Please write down any extra activity you've done today.
Unit of measurement for this isn't really a standard unit, so I'm going to go to add new and all I'm going to do is put in a dash and then add that as my unit of measurement.
And then next, once again, you can add it to the schedule. With this one, I won't add it to the schedule.
I simply ask my clients to write down extra activity when they've done it. So rather than schedule it daily, I'll leave it unscheduled, skip this step and that's all set up.
So inside your group you now got extra activity that clients can record. Weekly weight tracking that is scheduled that clients can obviously record.
All of that will go into your group members app. So to add a client, all you want to do is either come up here and add member.
But what you can do is find the client and then you can add them on a day. So if you remember, we did the weekly weight tracking on day zero. So you can choose now what day naught will be.
So I will go to a client come up to groups and I will go to add to group, choose my tracking group, and I'm going to choose on the next Monday.
So day Zero will now be Monday. I could choose that as any day, but I will go for Monday and then that weekly schedule tracking will go to that client every single Monday. And you can do exactly the same thing when adding new clients or in premade packages.
All those options are available, and that is now all set up. So you saw how easy it is to add a client to the tracking. When you add a new client, you've got that option as well. So really, really fast.
Now, you set that tracking up, you can give it to any clients instantly.

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