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Raimondas Lapinskas
A FREE PERSONAL TRAINING service for everyone!!!!
To use this service(personal Training) is FREE, just contact me and I will let you in.
In a message field answer to the question,
What are you giving to this world For as TRADE-FREE?
Please, Consider donating if you want to be free always!
My cost of the day is Here (without fun) I need to pay my self by selling my time in slavery jobs so consider donating if you want me to develop and create more trade-free fitness stuff.
You can donate by providing the services and stuff on which I spend(for example- free house), So you will become a trade-free supporter and creator and it will help me to cut my speedings.
Happy dayzzz :)
I love gifts too.
Personal trainer qualification.
1. This service is free to use for who is using it.
2. If you are not using this service(not doing check ins, assessments, answering to messages, not submitting results) you will be given an friendly warning about your account closure a week before. Use it or you are going to lose it.
2(a). If you decided to come back it will cost you 100 rmsfitness tokens/month.
3.Every missed check in per week will take off one day per week of your scheduled program. For example: if your program made of 4 workouts per week and you miss one check in, next time your training program consists only from 3 workouts per week. To add an extra workout will cost you 10 rmsfitness token. Use it or you are going to lose it.